27% Off Everything Bundle - For those that want (almost) everything

Hybrid Calisthenics Cards

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  • Regular price $25.00
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The illustrated version of the Hybrid Fitness Routine!

The exercises are illustrated in chibi style making them pleasant, cheerful references to the exercises you may already know. Amazing art by Bunselle!

Printed on thick, glossy card stock and held in a sturdy drawer box for easy access and storage. Very portable!

54 cards to a deck, with a small instructional sheet included.

Just want to view or download these? We're building a page here: Card Index

Please email us if you have any questions! support@hybridcalisthenics.com


Card Count: 54 cards

Language: English

Dimensions: 2.48" x 3.46"

International Customers: There may be additional duty or import taxes when your package arrives; we are working on this for the future. We appreciate your understanding.

Legal Notice: We advise you to consult your physician or medical professional before starting an exercise plan.