Mia M.
The info in the book wasnt any more revealing compared to what I couldve gotten for free on the internet. Also, pretty sure the reps are way too high.
Margaret K.
I love the book and the advice is simple and easy to follow for a beginner.
Brian B.
Nice to be able to read at my own pace and not have to go back to my phone or computer to see the digital. Or pause and rewind vids.
Chazz D.
The book is great. Very informative
Angelina G.
Everything looks and feels great. It's easy to read and it's nice to have a physical book to hold.
Matthew K.
Great step by step exercises and how to adapt with them. Definitely using it more than expected.
Candace L.
The book is very detailed and takes you from beginner to expert. I am glad I own this book.
doug e.
I received my book in a timely professional manner. Is very nicely made, I like the spiral bound book. Is laid out very nice. You’ve made it very easy to follow, and great guidance. Awesome job! I somehow discovered on YouTube Hybrid Calisthenics and man I binge watched so many videos of Hampton. Such a great guy! Thank you all, thank you my friend Hampton!
Jonathan K.
I've been a big fan of Hampton and his great attitude and approach to fitness for years. I bought this book for my son once he started showing interest in cultivating his body. Great walk throughs to get someone started on their journey. It is evident the hard work that went into this book. From the photos, to the writing, to the construction of the book itself. Thank you for creating this!
Gail P.
Am enjoying the book. Wanting to order the cards, but apparently they cannot ship to Texas? That must be a thing, eh?
I'm hoping to purchase some rings, to put into my wall anchor system, for the pullups. It looks like the way to go for the pullups exercise.
Thanks! Gail P-B.
Jennifer M.
I like the simplicity of the exercises, routine, explanations and the book itself. The spiral binding is top notch!
Denise R.
So helpful thank you!
Valarie D.
Shipping was super fast. Very happy with the spiral bound, lay flat design, the content and the included flexible fitness plan.
Happy to support!
Kim T.
This book is great! My neighbors come over to join me almost daily, but if they don’t, they each have their own books! We can all work on our own level but still challenge ourselves when working out together. We showed one of our grown up kids, and he now has the cards.
Janet K.
Hampton did a good job.
Andrew W.
Book came and it's exactly want I wanted, came promptly, too. I look forward to using it in my calisthenics plans going forward
Jack C.
I am not through the whole book, but I love what I have been reading.
So much info I should have known long ago. Finally getting to learn how to master the fundamentals!
Casey K.
I am using this to expand my exercise routine and repertoire. I think it’s important to be able to move your body in many different ways and this book gives me more ideas on how to do that.
Jinnia L.
I've been waiting to get my hands on this book and I love it. The explanations and full-color photos make the moves easy to understand and progress. It's too bad I got an injury at the same time I received this, but I can't wait to get back to training once I fully recover!
Dean M.
The book is informative and easy to read. I especially like the spiral binding, it makes it easy to use.
Matthew S.
Very informative book and great prices on the equipment too. Love people who find a way to help others and keep a small business running at once. Thank you!! Recommend this to anyone looking for an all around workout and will grow from there.
Sierra R.
Great gift for my exercise-loving dad!
katherine s.
This is the second copy I've bought since I keep giving it out to friends and family.
Emily C.
thank you for making a physical book! ive been trying to spend less time in front of a screen and its been really helpful!
Aneatria W.
It’s great having a physical copy that I can just pull out and use as needed. The pages are sturdy and the font is at a great size for quick reading. Love it!
Manuel J.
This is actually my second copy of the book. We were traveling and lost our first copy, so we had to replace it!
The book is well written, laid out well, the exercises explained well, and the progressions make sense. Plus, anything to support Hampton!
Miss Johnnie T.
Easy to read and understand.
Will put tabs on sections for easier use, otherwise, LOVE IT.
Thank you, Hampton and team
Willie I.
A really good product at a great price. I'm really enjoying the different options of exercises to choose from all in one book. It's a highly recommended purchase indeed.
Mark D.
I'm happy with my purchase
Sandra K.
This book is easy to follow and able to be put into action immediately. Great for anyone of any age or fitness level looking to add calisthenics to their life for whatever reason. Highly recommend.
Gabriella P.
Great book very user friendly! Super fast shipping and packaged well
Kyle M.
Great book! The hard copy really helps with my daily workouts without having to reopen my phone, ensuring it's charged, etc. Easy to understand, easy to follow. Love the book, and I love the Instagram page. Keep goin!
John T.
It's a beautiful book! I got mine quickly and it's in pristine condition!
Christina B.
Like the videos, this book includes detailed step by step instructions and Hampton's wonderful humor.
Mel Y.
So excited to finally have a physical copy! Used the ebook for months; this is much easier for me to use.
Highly recommend this to anyone at any point of their fitness journey- Hampton is so wonderful!
Roberta H J.
I haven't started yet, but I went over the book. I greatly appreciate the detailed explanations. It is very easy to understand and follow. This book is very well put together. If it were put in a timecapsule and pulled out decades later the information would still be absolutely relevant and useful. Thank you Mr. Hampton! Well done!
Lydia H.
My little sister is a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo. We were always watching Hamptons videos to try to train and build strength. This guide has helped us tremendously and we are so grateful! Thank you!
James S.
I really like the layout of this book. I am 66 years old and I have not been in the gym for years and this book is helping me start off slow where I need to be and it looks like I will be able to progress at my own speed and it’s got the type of exercises that I’ve been looking for that a lot of other people ignore.
alison f.
Hampton Liu is the best! So much dedication and detail. Love his work!
Brandon M.
Very well written and easy to understand. Simple, yet effective. Great job!
Tammy G.
Beautifully laid out book with clear images and simple instructions. The recommended weekly routine is perfect to get you started.
Michael D.
A great little guide. The number of progressions and regressions is very helpful and it has been a real aid in my exercise routine.
Rachel P.
I love this book, it’s simply descriptive and non judgmental :)
thomas l.
Great products for a great price. The book is exceptional! Shipped super fast as well. Thank you!
Anthony D.
This is an excellent guide to help someone on the path of becoming more physically fit.
Stephanie W.
The format is easy to follow and easy to do. Hampton really starts with exercises anyone can do. Pushups have always been hard for me, and I regressed after a shoulder impingent. Now I can use this program to get back to full pushups!
Jeff F.
This is a good basic book on calisthenics. It is well laid out with form cues and progressions.
Donna B.
I have started at the beginning and can already tell after a week that I’m getting stronger. I can’t wait to see how far I progress by this time next year, Lord, willing!
Nancy M.
I've been a fan for years and I also use the app. But the book has so much detail plus I love a spiral binding for ease of use. Such a great program
And I enjoy Hampton's sense of humor.
Janna W.
The book has clear instructions and is easy to use. I love how he has basic to advanced exercises.
Monika L.
Thank you for the teachings
Daniel K.
Overall there's a ton of great information here, I'm just looking for fresh ideas to pair with resistance bands. Also, one of the pages I had to cut because they were stuck together. Maybe you can write a manual for Tai chi? I watched a lot of those videos from you earlier in your YT career.
Kay d.
I love how you have loads of ways to modify the exercises. This will definitely be referenced for years (knowing me).
Aaron C.
Great book. Very detailed and is very helpful for getting in shape
Maria C.
The book makes everything easy. I tried the app and also making my own spreadsheet. And I felt a little lost...until I got the book. All the information is right there! I am a 39yr old mom of a 4yr old and a 6yr old so my time is limited and so is my focus tbh. The book has helped me have all the information I need in one place. The app is great and the website and youtube channel. It can just take time to look up an exercise and the sets/reps and modifications. The book just makes everything easy for me.
Highly recommend it!
Michael L.
I like the book. Primarily because it allows me to produce a reasonable result in a measured way. I can progress in an exercise in a safe manner and increase reps and difficulty as my joints and muscles adjust to the exercise.
I bought the book for my husband, he had some set-backs recently and needed to rebuild his strength. The step-by-step instructions along with the various iterations of the exercises allows him to to get back to full strength at a health pace. So thankful for this publication.
Ruth R.
Very thoughtful layout with excellent descriptions of the exercises as well as ways to make each exercise level more or less challenging.
With this book, I feel that Hampton has set us up for success
Nicole R.
Exactly as described. Lays flat, has progression steps, walks through the concepts, and has some great Hampton humor! Thanks so much for having a physical copy available. Cheers!
Jennifer T.
Super approachable program for any level of exercise experience!
Mary M.
I’ve been following Hybrid Calisthenics for years on social media and love the simple instructions and kindness that is shown in the videos. I’m THRILLED to have the book!!! Easy to follow instructions and it delivered quickly!
Judi N.
I am adding the movements suggested in this book, in fact even though I have been working on many of these movements I have decided to follow the workout progression outlined by the author. I am enjoying this!
Rita K.
My book arrived fast.
The information is easy to read. It gives me hope with a plan to get myself stronger. My daughter came to visit and was excited to order a book for herself.
The book has a spiral binder which is great to keeping the pages from flipping shut.
Daniel F.
Just started building routines to start out with, and this book makes that journey easy. By providing tips on form, when to progress, and a multitude of variations, Hybrid Calisthenics lowers the barrier to entry and makes a realistic start to bodyweight exercising achievable.
linda r.
easy to use and follow. Perfect place for my 70 yo self to start!
Hunter H.
I've been loving it so far. I've recently gotten into Martial Arts and needed to add some new stuff to my strength training. I wrestled all throw high-school and decided to switch to Muay Thai, planning on MMA later. They've been great for practicing the explosive-ness I need with some of the exercises like push-ups.
Also good job not being hated on IFunny. I've seen a lot of big names always getting turned on by the end of thier popularity.
Starting slow just doing the wall pushups...
Will start the 2nd portion soon...
Mark F.
The hybrid calisthenics book is extremely well done! It is very clear that anyone regardless of their physical condition can at least do some of the beginner exercises. And then slowly but surely work their way up through the progressions. I would recommend this to anyone!
This product is truly great! Each and every one of the hybrid calisthenic exercises can be done by anyone of any fitness level. You may only be able to do one or two reps of the easiest of each exercise, but with time and persistence you will absolutely without a doubt see results!
I cannot recommend this product highly enough!
Crystal C.
Great product. Fast shipping.
Best Calisthenics book I have bought. :-D
The others, in the past, have been way too info heavy, which are not necessarily exercise related, before actually getting into the exercise related topics.
This book, from Hamilton & co, ... the best there is!!
Straight forward out of the starting gate, and simple to follow and use!
i am now well on my way to attaining the goals I want to achieve, as the structure of the exercise progressions are brilliant!
Thanks, H.. a book well thought out, and loving the spiral spine version, too! ;-)
All the best
Steve Carl Phoenix
Greg P.
Great content for all levels. Will be a part of my daily routine once stuff heals.
Morgan M.
This has been very helpful in knowing what to do, how, and when. Having apps is helpful, but there's still something about being able to flag pages, flip back and forth, and have a larger format right there for reference. And you can keep the book forever!
Alexander M.
Very nice book! I use it every day!
Patrick A.
Well thought out and presented material.
Philip S.
The books helped a lot making a sustainable and simple routine for myself to lose weight and avoid a gym membership.
Matthew R.
It's a great book and/or gift for a health conscious loved one
Chase A.
Great book, It’s easy to follow and implement! It gives lots of variations for wherever your at in your fitness journey. 10/10 would definitely recommend.
Abigail J.
Really helpful, and easy to use!
Kimberly C.
This program is really incredible! I have some long-term health challenges that have really impeded me from doing a lot of exercises over the last year. Some of my challenges include a connective tissue disorder that leaves me both hyper flexible but also with very tense muscles. Usually when I exercise, I find myself struggling with knots and rigidness in my muscles that I have to go and get Physical Therapy and Massage to release. In the few weeks I’ve been doing this program I already see great improvement in my strength, flexibility, and my weight. I think having just two exercises to do is a great threshold for me in my body, and doing them just twice a week I see my strength improving each time. I got a very basic rowing machine that I use for 15 minutes warmup and then I do my two calisthenic exercises. I feel better than I have in the last 18 months and for the first the first time since then, I am feeling a shift in my physical health. The book is very well written, it was very thorough, explanations and great advice on how to make each exercise easier or more difficult.
And if you’re worried about it being hard enough, my very athletic and coordinated son has started to do this with me, and there is plenty to challenge him and for him to grow into even with his level of athleticism.
Considering the cost and the information and resources provided, I think this is one of the best values you could invest in as a fitness program and even more, for a healthy life
Greg F.
good resource, well laid out and organized, with different levels for every exercise, progression sequences for more challenging moves....and a few puns!
Xue C.
I'm gonna do it this time!
Sam G.
Very well laid out , easy to follow progressions . Beautiful book, too
Islah A.
Great book! Very happy to finally have it!
Randa B.
I purchased this because I need to get started with strength training. I appreciate you and your kindness. You are the best of humanity. Thank you for making a positive difference in the world.
Moises H.
The book came on time, I love the quality of the book and the binding, the packaging felt secure
Kyle K.
Such a simple and well thought out routine. I really appreciate the clear progression for each exercise, and seeing examples of the tougher progressions is great motivation.
I'm enjoying the spiral printed version - nice printing, lays flat, feels like it'll last, and I can put sticky notes all over it.
Elsa A.
Fantastic guide and easy to follow
Raymond R.
The book is clear and the progressions look attainable. Looking forward to working through them. I’m excited about starting.
Penny S.
I like that it is arranged and graduated challenges so that I can feel my progress and attain better proficiency over time
Frankie T.
The shipping estimate said it may take up to a week, but it ended up arriving the day after I ordered it
M F.
Didn’t get the book after weeks and weeks of door dash delivery fails and 1 supposedly
Sent in the mail. Never received, just gave up.
Joseph H.
Great program that meets you where you are. And lets you expand to an almost endlesss possible limits with
Your health and fitness.
Christopher C.
Shipped quickly and arrived in excellent condition. I will truly enjoy using this.
Dylan G.
The book has been very helpful with me starting my fitness plans.